Advance notice: New TS3 line Immenstadt-Oberstorf

ProTrain Logo cropped

The new track for Trainz Simulator 3 “Immenstadt – Oberstorf” is currently in development.

“Our next route for iOS and Android will be Immenstadt – Oberstorf. Developed entirely in PBR, the track comes with many new realistic objects and will feature our new KS signals for the first time. As a vehicle we include the PESA Link (BR 633).”

So the developers of Trainz Simulator 3

The release is scheduled for Q4 / 2022 for iOS, Android, PC and Mac platforms. The PC version will come after the iOS / Android a little later and of course with PZB 90.

Here are already a few ingame impressions of the new railroad line “Immenstadt – Oberstorf”: