Alpine Lake – The Kander Valley Railway
This dlc features four sessions with DB Class 218, DB Class 644, n-coaches (Silberlinge), an Auxiliary train and different freight cars (Hbis, Eanos, Transwaggon Laas).
von ProTrain
Alpine Lake – The Kander Valley Railway
Towards the end of the 19th century, the greatest adventure in railway construction in the Alpine region began with the construction of the Kander Valley Railway leading high up into the mountains to the secluded monastery and pilgrimage site of Sankt Marien.
Starting from Selzach am Kander, the railway had to overcome a height difference of 598 metres over a distance of almost 22 kilometres to Sankt Marien.
The construction period lasted about 30 years. In 1929 the engineers and workers successfully completed their masterpiece which probably was the boldest and most spectacular section of the Alpine Lake railways with 11 tunnels, 7 viaducts and 2 hairpin bends to pass en route through the Kander Gorge, the Brunnbach Valley, the Silcher Valley and over the Füllenalm.
However, it was only in the late 20th century that the line was completed with the connection of the branch line to Zackerkogl in 1959 along with the extension of the Silchertal line with further helical tunnels and viaducts to bypass the two hairpin bends in 1977.
Discover deep valleys, high mountains, on a breathtaking route with dizzying viaducts, many helical tunnels while bringing passengers and freight to their destinations.
This dlc features four sessions with DB Class 218, DB Class 644, n-coaches (Silberlinge), an Auxiliary train and different freight cars (Hbis, Eanos, Transwaggon Laas).